Czynniki ryzyka ostrego zespołu wieńcowego u osób z przedwczesną chorobą sercowo-naczyniową

Data publikacji: 04 Lipiec 2018

INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the main cause of death worldwide. In the last 40 years we can observe increase in prevalence of CVDs among young population. [1] Control of risk factors is especially important in young group of patients because the long-term prognosis for this group is particularly unfavorable.[2]

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 medical records of following patients hospitalized between 2014 - 2017 in Department of Cardiac and Vascular Diseases in Cracow Specialist Hospital were analyzed with special attention to myocardial infarction risk factors. The study included 58 women under the age of 55 and 42 men under 45 divided into two groups with or without acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

RESULTS: 86% of examined population had LDL level higher than 1,8 mmol/l, 65% smoked cigarettes and 86,4% had thickened intima-media complex. HDL level was below the norm in 47,4% of the group with ACS and only in 20,9% of the group without ACS (p < 0,05). Significant differences between groups in combined risk factors were observed in decreased HDL level accompanied by increased LDL (40,4% with ACS, 20,9% without ACS), tobacco abuse (38,6% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS) or arterial hypertension (40,4% with ACS, 18,6% without ACS).

CONCLUSION: The most important risk factor of acute myocardial infarction in the studied group with early onset of CVD was reduced HDL level.


Arterial Hypertension 2018; 22 (2): 81–86

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